Thursday, March 27, 2008


After doing some research and trading some emails with Peter C. from I have a few answers.

  1. The location is still to be finalized but will be approximately 100 - 150km from Machakos, Kenya which is 35km east of Nairobi so I will be using climate data info for Nairobi in my research.
  2. Minimum amount of water according to the UN is 20L/day/person.


Dale Parkes said...

Exciting developments!
I wonder if there are any grants available so that you could go over to Kenya and implement your solutions?

Shevaun O'Connor said...

Yeah! Yhat would be awesome to go to Kenya! Gordon, I really like how your site looks, I was curious how you got the photo into your title? I have been hearing about this little welldigger that can be operated by one person and they cost about $500, which is better than the usual $10,000. (I know you are looking at rainfall collection, but I thought you might be interested. Talk to me if you want some more info.) Also check out Derek Anderson's blog on rainwater retention systems, you might find some of that useful. I also have a video called "building with awareness" that shows how to build a simple rainwater retention/filtering system. I can show it to you if you want it.

Gordon T. said...

I'm working on the going to Kenya thing actually.
The picture in the title was actually a huge pain. I'll have to explain that one in person.
Any information you can pass my way would be greatly appreciated. I'm sure I can find something useful, especially with that video.

Nicole Link said...

As I was reading your blog an idea came to me:what about comparing Canadian water consumption with Kenya? Here's an article I found interesting.

Derek Anderson said...

That would definitly be a great experiance if you got a grant to go over to Kenya. Another question that you should look at is cost of implementing a safe drinking water system in this location of Kenya and how much of a relief fund they may need from the UN or other relief organizations.

Found this fast fact site that might be of help.

Cari said...

Hey Gordon,
When i was researching for my yurt project i came across this site that has a number (16) of articles on different types water purification systems. One of the links is an overview of sustainable driking water disinfection for small communities in developing worlds.This was by Dan Nover, April 2003. M.S. Candidate, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Master’s International Program, Michigan Technological University. It has all kinds of pictures and graphs as well as interesting information. I hope this will help you.
By the way are you really looking in to going to Kenya? That would be really awesome if you could there and do that.

Shevaun O'Connor said...

If i can fit the vid on a memory stick i'll bring it for you tomorrow and i will work on getting the info on the little well digger. (i need to talk to some friends of mine who used them on missions, so i'll see what they remember and if they know of anyone you could contact about them.)